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Friday, November 9

startin early

This year for my Christmas shopping I wanted to be a little more organized with lists of what people want and what I already got them. So I decided to use a little journal for it. I used a Mary Engelbreit book from Michaels for a $1 and stamped each page with everyone's names with old fashioned type writter looking stamps.


Anonymous said...

What a WONDERFUL idea!!! And I love those alphabet stamps you used. Mary really does have some cute things and only $1. It's amazing. Keep posting those great ideas.

Nicky C. K. said...

em - i hope ur organization can inspire & motivate me this holiday season.

love the abc stamps too.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What a terrific idea! I need to get organized!
p.s. thanks for stopping by my 100th post giveaway!